The reality is that far too many people take better care of their cars than they do their own bodies. They fill them with the best fuel and schedule regular maintenance. The truth is, however, that your body is the only vessel that stays with you long after that car gets traded. And how seriously are you taking your own "Check Engine" light?
That's why we went into business. To help people maintain their health. Holistically. From the ground up. Our chiropractic techniques in Independence alleviate headaches and back pain without prescriptions, to provide long-term solutions over short-term fixes.
Consider us the auto-body shop you never knew your body always needed!
Affordable Chiropractic Plans With No Long-Term Commitment.
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Plans and Pricing
We specialize in classic hands-on adjustments. We take adjusting courses each year to make sure we're up on the latest techniques. I promise that with each adjustment my focus will be on you and your specific problem. I will do my absolute best to bring RELIEF to your problem as quickly as possible. My promise to you is to make each adjustment count. When you are feeling better, we will recommend a course of maintenance adjustments. Some choose to do maintenance, and others do not. Regardless of your decision, we never push you. We are here simply to help support you in your health choices.
What if you approached your car maintenance like this? Engine noise? Turn up the radio. Annoying vibrations at highway speeds? Drive Slower. Squealing brakes? Turn up the radio even louder! Ridiculous, but many of us use this attitude when it comes to our bodies. Our chiropractic care produces great results by attending to the cause, rather than “turning up the radio” and suppressing the symptoms.
You may have heard that once you go to a chiropractor, you always have to go to a chiropractor. In our office, this simply is not true. Your care will have a definite starting point and ending point. Having said that, our family uses chiropractic not just to get well, but to stay well. Our job is to show you the finest care available. You have to decide if you want to continue your adjustments as part of your healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to form a long-term relationship with you so that we can be the last chiropractor you’ll ever need.
35 MILLION people are treated annually by a chiropractor.
1 MILLION chiropractic adjustments are performed every business day.
Americans Spend $50 BILLION+ annually to treat back pain.
Replacing one visit to the medical doctor with one visit to the chiropractor could save Medicare $83.5 MILLION every year.
Chiropractors are the THIRD LARGEST group of doctorate-level health professionals, right behind medical doctors and dentists.
14 BILLION: Chiropractic industry annual revenue, the same amount Americans spend on pet supplies.
Currently, there are 70,000 active chiropractic licenses.
80% of AMERICANS will suffer a significant back problem.
"Chiropractic" from the Greek words "Chair" and "Praktos" meaning: "DONE BY HAND"
More people live with CHRONIC PAIN than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined.